Joe Biden a fearful president

Fear is always ready to make things look worse than they are 

Tito Livio 

The Republican congressmen and a growing Democratic minority are right; President Joe Biden is afraid of his counterpart, Mexican President Andres Manuel Obrador, who has already taken the measure of him. Who would have imagined that such a small, insignificant leader as López Obrador would keep the president of the most powerful country in the world threatened and subdued. 

While thousands of tons of fentanyl continue to be produced in Mexico, causing 80,000 deaths in the United States by 2022, the federal government, its military and public security institutions continue to protect the drug cartels, President Biden recognizes the Mexican government as his great ally and friend to President Lopez Obrador. 

The U.S. State Department released its annual Human Rights Report 2022, in which it reported a systematic violation of human rights in Mexico, including: extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, femicides, and of course the aggressions and hostile discourse of President López Obrador against the media and journalists. 

In response to the U.S. Government's report, President López Obrador described it as a "piece of junk" and went further, assuring that the authors of the document "are slanderers and have no proof", they do not change, it is an old, anachronistic policy of wanting to interfere in the public life of other countries”. 

"They assume themselves to be the government of the world and they only see the speck in someone else's eye and not the log in their own," the president added during his morning press conference. "Well, that it is not true, that they are lying, that it is pure politicking. It is their nature, they do not want to abandon the Monroe Doctrine and before that the so-called manifest destiny, they do not want to change”. 


While the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) identified the Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) as the main threats "to health and communities" on US soil on Friday, March 24, the agency acknowledges that its work is hampered because these organizations operate in countries with persistent corruption and inadequate rule of law, pointing to nations such as Mexico, Honduras, Colombia and Haiti. 

It is clear that Joe Biden's legs are shaking at the mere thought of Lopez Obrador making good on his threat and opening Mexico's southern borders to flood the northern border with the United States with hundreds of thousands of Central Americans, Venezuelans, Arabs and Asians, evidencing that he lacks a response to such a possibility, which will also frustrate his and his party's reelection aspirations. 

Joe Biden watches passively as his friend President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador pushes for an escalation against the National Electoral Institute (INE), to control the independent body, the only one that can guarantee a transparent, democratic electoral process in 2024, in order to impose a candidate that will extend for six years the communist ideology of his government, which will serve as a platform for Latin America.

Thanks to Biden's fear of López Obrador, the Republicans are advancing by leaps and bounds, and surely by the second half of this year, they will get Biden to pull up his pants to stop the Mexican dictatorship that is already knocking on his door. 

So far from God and so close to Lopez Obrador